Largely enhance democracy in Belgium.
We currently have representative democracy,... but actually it is particracy. You vote once in 6 years for who you think will represent best how you think society should be organized. But in fact most of the time that person needs to follow the party directives, and if they don't they are replaced. Starting a party on your own to (re)present a deviating opinion in parliament is almost impossible because of the 5% rule: without 5% of the votes: you can't have a single seat in parliament.
But back to the delegative democracy: what is it?
It is a method to make direct democracy an "ad hoc" on interest referendum/representation alternation. Delegative democracy tackles 2 problems of direct democracy:
- time needed to specialize in all subjects that concern all aspects of government: instead, assign your delegate expert that you know to represent your opinion for the subjects that you don't want or can't get into the details to make the best decision.
- administration to manage all the proposals and counter proposals and the votes: that's where the liquid-democracy software systems can help.
Delegative democracy tackles also the main problem of representative democracy:
Representation is an ad hoc event in delegative democracy: Representatives will be chosen per theme, and any time you can choose to take back the theme or a subset theme back from your representative, if your opinion deviates from his/hers and use your own votes and make even your own proposals or counter proposals... Or choose another representative
This eliminates the need for permanent representation, representation will no longer be a job but rather something that is a result of your expertise and the trust you get from your public, on a certain subject.